An update from Gill A. Lotl, CEA WOBL® Global.

From the desk of

Gill A. Lotl


Global Update

10 NOV 2022

Early access to non-fungible experiments
Questions & Collabs

From the desk of

Gill A. Lotl



Global Update

10 NOV 2022

We're finally stepping out of the shadows with the next evolution of AP. Introducing WOBL. There's much to share in the coming months. For now, WOBL is as WOBL does; so keep your eyes peeled and gills open.

It’s been a while since our last official communication. We’ve been keeping a low profile recently, only surfacing with intermittent Algorand updates and news, however, it’s with good reason. Following a period of actively contributing to content and communications for projects in the Algorand ecosystem, we recognised a need to recalibrate, and focus inwards.

Our motivations were several: (1) While our work on zero-to-existence brand and marketing solutions was performant, there was an increasing demand for ongoing content creation and community growth. (2) The Web3 vertical has matured, but in many ecosystems, high-quality, consumable content for community engagement is falling behind. (3) The word ‘utility’ has begun to lose its meaning, with few projects truly able to deliver useful and meaningful outcomes. (4) Our unique position of working alongside some of Algorand’s strongest performers as content and community builders provided valuable insights into problems, opportunities, and potential solutions.

These observations propelled our desire to take action, but we knew it would require more than a few tweaks, we needed to try something new.

Our efforts have culminated in the shaping of an idea that drives this vision, we call it WOBL, and it’s a concept where content and community meet utility. It’s a vibe, and we believe in it. Rather than tell, we intend to show; WOBL is as WOBL does. Over time, our actions will help you decide if you believe in it too. As we test our theories we will see if we can give the world a good wobble.

Regarding Algopulse, well, consider this the next evolution with very similar motivations. Our new name also reveals a glimpse into our ambitions for a broader connection to Web3 for a world wide wobl.

Short-term, WOBL has clear objectives; content creation, community engagement and progressively unlocking our long-term plans for utility. We’re beginning by exploring a non-fungible initiative. The specifics will be provided soon.

In the meantime, we want to hear from communities within Algorand and beyond. If you have questions or would like to explore a collaboration opportunity, please contact comms@wobl.net

End Transmission